At a very basic level, futuring is an unconscious human capacity and process of thinking about what lies ahead, often times without recognizing that we are engaged in foresight. This deliberate anticipation of probable occurrences in order to take possible measures is more strategic than acting after the fact and managing crisis. This is particularly important given the fast and furious complex changes currently happening in our society that adversely affect our plans, products or organizations.
We establish the changing course of future history by;
- Brain storming
- Trends monitoring
- Horizon scanning
- Scenarios building
- Systems mapping
- Futures wheels
- Back-casting
- Simulations and gaming
Futures probe:
- Action research
- Applied research
- Quantitative research
- Qualitative research
Future Strat
- Culture assessment
- Strategic planning
- Visioning
Futures Learn
- Project reviews and evaluations
- Brain storming sessions
- Topical presentations
- Trainings