Planning from the future to the present using strategic foresight methodologies like backcasting.

The Founder and Executive Director.
Dr. Katindi Sivi is among the top six female futurists in Africa, according to Ross Dawson’s ranking. She is the founder and the organizational lead of Kenya’s premier strategic foresight organizations, LongView Consult inaugurated in 2015 and LongView Futures Foundation instituted in 2019. She is also the principal trainer at the Africa Foresight Lab, a platform she set up to foster foresight literacy among African’s professionals and especially young people - a course that anchors the must have 21st century competencies like critical thinking, complex problem solving...

About Company.
LongView is Kenya’s first and fully-fledged strategic foresight firm that conducts research and policy analysis on topical socio-economic and political issues in Africa...
What we do.
LongView works with governments, organizations, communities and individuals to help them gain futures intelligence and strategic insights for strategic positioning...
Why Us?
We exist to help people develop the art of re-perceiving. To recognize that life will change, must change, and has changed. Old perceptions are no longer valid but new ones are possible....
LongView Group
In a nutshell...
Our Services.
Through various foresight techniques like brainstorming, systems analysis, futures wheels, and scenario building, we build understanding on …
Future Strat
We base our organizational strategy & development work on the principle of planning from the future to the present using strategic foresight …
Futures Probe
Through Socio-economic research and policy analysis, we build past and present knowledge in key areas…
Future Learn
We enable learning, unlearning and relearning through facilitating brainstorming sessions. We also …
Data Analytics
We use the International Futures (IFs) model which is a data analytics tools Longview Consult uses to enable …