Growing future change makers!
“Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves”……. “Our life spreads light when it is given in service”.
Quotes by Pope Francis
AFL firmly believes in fostering foresight literacy among young Africans because when the future is bleak, they become the biggest casualties. In this program, we endeavor to build a critical mass of young futurists with ideas that will translate into phenomenal futures for the Africa they want and deserve. We, therefore, inspire them to identify issues that are of great concern to them. We aid them to conduct futures exercises that identify future innovative solutions. By encouraging them to implement these ideas, they are certainly taking matters into their own hands! To create new futures for themselves and for the generations that come after them.
This program is for you if:
- You consider yourself to be a change maker
- You are willing and fully committed to investing 3 hours every Saturday for 3 months:
- To hone forward-thinking skills
- To gain an innovation mindset
- To identify innovative solutions to a community challenge