About the Course.
Strategic Foresight courses are designed to give professionals working in governments and organizations, as well as young people in Africa, insights on how to navigate increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous situations so that they can be future ready to strategically position themselves
to innovate and gain competitive advantage.
What you learn.
The course equips with:
- The skills, techniques, and tools of practically integrating foresight into problem solving and decision-making
- The relevant 21st century competencies like critical thinking, complexity, cultural modelling, creativity, collaboration, and various leadership skills like adaptive or agile leadership and anticipatory management to effectively navigate change.
- The ability to discern future disruption and be more prepared for uncertain times.
- The general ability to appreciate the practice of strategic foresight.
Forward Thinking Strategists who desire to be ahead of their professional game.
Curious People who love learning new ways of doing things.
Executives and Professionals in positions to manage any sort of organisational change in these disruptive and uncertain times.
Programme structure.
Course Design
The programme is designed in several modules. Each module is legible for a certificate of completion, with each subsequent module being a higher (more advanced) level. It is in completing 5 modules (which is equivalent to approximately 160 hours) that the student gets a certificate of specialization. Each module is on average seven weeks - culminating to an equivalent of 32 hours of material covered, when both class and personal assignments are considered, per module.
Course Expectation
The course has adopted an action research methodology instead of assessments, which requires the students to identify a real-world challenge they will systematically solve by the end of each module. Active student participation, readings, engagement in group exercises, and completion of the individual final paper on time, are required for successful completion of a module.

A class / module accommodates a maximum of 25 people to facilitate the needed interaction. In the past class we had an oversubscription but not by more that 10 additional slots. A previous cohort had 35 students from 17 African countries.
Programme structure
Module | Class schedule | Summary |
Saturdays 9 a.m. 2nd July; 2022; |
Introduction to strategic foresight, which covers definitions of strategic foresight. It delves into sensemaking, surfacing and challenging assumptions, and begins you on a journey of developing strategic foresight muscles and mindset. |
Saturdays 11.30 a.m. 3rd September 2022 |
Disruptive change is geared towards understanding a VUCCA/TUNA world in the global system, while taking into account the weight of history, the push for the present, and the pull of the future. The different paradigms will give us various insights on scoping to effectively recognize future disruptive change. |
Saturdays 11.30 a.m. 5th November 2022 |
Scenarios planning for decision making will introduce participants to various approaches to scenarios building, real world uses of scenarios planning and their outcomes, practically designing a scenarios exercise to develop alternative futures, and developing strategic responses from the stories. |
Saturdays 11.30 a.m. 14th January 2023 |
Systems thinking introduces the systems lens; systems structures and behaviour; tools and practices of systems thinkers; practical work on understanding existing systems, their constituent parts, how they work together, and what they produce; deducing strategic insights from a systems perspective. |
Saturdays 11.30 a.m. 4th March 2023 |
Future minded and agile leadership introduces you to strategic leadership; strategic thinking and acting; situational approaches and leadership; self-assessments of type of leader and levels of agility and self-awareness of what to improve; strategic influence, teams and strategies for superior results and transformation |
Throughout the year. |
Ideal for corporates, organizational departments needing to manage change processes but also start-ups designing operating models Anticipatory management to create future ready organizations combines organizational design and strategies for future ready companies. These include: scope and goals of organizations; strategic fit; structure; process, people and cultures; coordination, control and incentives; designing the right architecture; implementing the right design architecture, transitions and succession. |
Throughout the year. |
Ideal for government ministries and departments, devolved governments and State parastatals Anticipatory governance queries conventional policy-making and planning, and proposes a more proactive policy process that fosters decision-making and governance capacities that enhance resilience. equity as well as good, just, and sustainable governance outcomes. |
Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 |
We interact once a week for two to three hours online. This class (Module 1) is provided on Saturday mornings from 9.00 a.m. East African time while subsequent modules (2-5) are offered on Saturday mornings from 11.30 a.m. East African time. Dates are as indicated on the table above. |
Groups in similar professions, organizations or with mutual interests can opt for weekly face to face trainings (or online ones with intermittent face to face sessions) at a location of their choice (within Nairobi and its close environs). Previously, this option has been preferred, for example, by donors supporting partners to attend or professional colleagues. Classes are held on weekdays (or Saturday afternoons). Dates and timings are as agreed with the group |
For groups unable to spread out their learning in 7 weeks per module, they can organize for an intense one- week retreat session (5 learning days per module) at whatever location they choose. Previously, this option has been preferred by organizations, government officials and busy executives, including those located in other African countries. Dates and timings are as agreed with the group |
- An opportunity to enhance your leadership skills and institutional performance
- An opportunity to increased your job prospects
- You will learn aspects of new things you didn’t know about
- An opportunity for cross learning and collaboration with peers
- You will get a one-on-one opportunity to discuss indepth foresight strategies to
consider - Access to useful foresight material and tools
- Gain access to some foresight forums
- An opportunity to increase your job prospects
- Gain access to an international community of foresight practice including special
guests who will be invited to give a lecture to the students or to answer practical
questions from our global network of futurists.
Others Said
Each module costs a highly subsidized rate of Kenya shillings 55,000.00 or an equivalent of USD 550.
Class Enrollment
Please register in the following link:(will give you a link) Only full payment of course fees before commencement of class is proof of completed registration.

Payment Details
Item | Details |
Currency: Name of bank: Swift code: Account no: Swift code: ABA No: Account number: Account name: |
USD Standard Chartered Bank, New York SCBLUS33XXX 3582023234001 IMBLKENA 026001591 03101705281210 LONG VIEW CONSULT LIMITED |
Currency: Kenya Shillings
Pay Bill 542542
Account number 187187
After transaction, account name will appear as Africa Foresight Lab
Who is offering
the course?
The course is offered by LongView-Africa Foresight Lab through International Leadership University. Through this partnership, we seek to premier formal foresight trainings in Africa and build a strong community of practice that is linked to other practitioners globally.

The International Leadership University (ILU)
The International Leadership University (ILU) is a network of accredited universities, colleges, schools and ministries in Africa. The International Leadership University (ILU) exists to develop and educate future leaders of integrity and vision who will become world-changers, leading beneficial societal transformation. The University has been in existence since 1981